We had the pleasure of hosting the Italian Startup Delegation on Thursday, November 9 in our offices in Austin.

Five Italian startups pitched their companies to the IA team, as part of their Texas tour this November: Beeing, Diamante Srl, DRB - Automatic Unmanned Technologies, Energy2Go, and React4life.
The startups' trip to the United States is part of an initiative by the ITA Houston office - a branch of the Italian Trade Agency (ITA) - to promote Italian businesses by connecting them with global markets.
The Italian Trade Agency (ITA) was founded in 1906 with the primary goal of connecting Italian businesses with the global market. The ITA Houston office principally focuses on and monitors economic and business development activities across the states of Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Texas.
Every year, the International Accelerator team attends the annual BIAT - Innovation and High Technology Lab conference that takes place in South Italy (in collaboration with the Italian Trade Agency), introducing our program to promising startups and founders with disruptive ideas, who wish to launch in the United States.
Visit our Youtube channel to watch the delegation's pitches: